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What happened to EP South?

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What happened to EP South? Empty What happened to EP South?

Post by Its Raining Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:38 pm

I know this used to be Admins bag, and he's a long way from the front line these days, but just been on EP South web site to try and find some info about...... well...... EP South, and there is nothing since EP South 2010.

The school info has gone, even though for most it was out of date due to the turnover of staff.

The rest of it is all in Thai....... I thought this was an English Programme website Admin, what have you let them do to it?
Pull the plug now before its too late!

On another note relating to EP web sites here in Nakhon........ over 2 years after spotting this most basic of naff code login scripts, a certain very well to do school website remains wide open to easy login and changing of details.
I did drop plenty of hints in the old forum about it, even left messages on said schools site TELLING them how I could get in and what they needed to change.

The "hack" (its THAT lame I wouldn't even give it the title of "hack") is just a basic piece of logic.

Login name: a' or 'a'='a
Password: a' or 'a'='a

When the page is submitted, it puts the other quotation marks around the login name and password (not expecting there to be any already there). This results in a query to the database like:

find a user whos login name = 'a' or 'a'='a' and password = 'a' or 'a'='a'

The first part will pretty much always fail, no user name and password of 'a'.
BUT because 'a' does equal 'a' the database returns a valid user account.... hey presto, you're in.

Nudge Nudge Gold Member and the like Oldman
Its Raining
Its Raining

Posts : 183
Join date : 2011-03-26

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What happened to EP South? Empty Re: What happened to EP South?

Post by Admin Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:08 am

The reins have been passed on .. the results you can see!

Assassin's Grim Reaper!

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What happened to EP South? Empty Re: What happened to EP South?

Post by Its Raining Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:35 am

good job, did they get one of the students to build that?
one of the students that did NOT study computing that is.

I have to scroll all over it cos it doesn't scale to fit my screen, so failed at the first hurdle.

Still zero info on what I want, namely the rules for this years EP south.
Strange it says ALL the info for ALL the EP's in the South, cant see my school listed there, yet it was there on the old one.

Its Raining
Its Raining

Posts : 183
Join date : 2011-03-26

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What happened to EP South? Empty Re: What happened to EP South?

Post by Admin Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:14 am

Fits my screen but it's all on the left side!
Assassin's Grim Reaper!

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What happened to EP South? Empty Re: What happened to EP South?

Post by Its Raining Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:22 am

ooh you must have a very big one Admin....... monitor screen I mean.

fixed sizes and no CSS to center the page, very lame. Also rules out any easy use from mobile devices by not scaling properly.

Not sure what program they have used to throw this page together, but it must be very old cos the HTML standards are very dated and stand a good chance of being rejected by any new browser.
example, use of & nbsp ;  died a death years ago, should be using & # 160;   (spaces added else they are converted to html space)

Styles dumped in the page header are also a sign of a cheap nasty web building program. Styles dumped inline with items on the page are old school too; a big no no if you ever visit W3C Schools.

And its all still registered to Admin Cheezy you should sue for deformation of character Admin.

looks like the standard of html I got my P6 students coding last year.

A few suggestions in case they read this:

1. use % sizes instead of fixed sizes, that way there is a better chance of the page scalling up or down to suit the monitor res

2. use em for font sizes instead of large, larger, medium. similar reason and also caters for those with visual imparements that might want to zoom to a larger text

3. if you want to insist on fixed sizing, use divisions and style sheets to center the page and then design in what you expect to be the lowest res a visitor to the site will be using. this is how a lot of sites get around the scaling issue. be aware though that iphone has turned off division scroll bars on its browser

4. even when using % sizes, always best to design to the lowest resolution as things tend to scale up much better than down.

5. be aware that if it works in IE it dont mean it will work in other browsers. microsoft are still a long way behind following the W3C standards, other browsers, such as firefox and google chrome, are not

6. run the page through W3C Validator. it is free and gives loads of info on how the page may be improved if it sees anything that infringes on the html standards.
Its Raining
Its Raining

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What happened to EP South? Empty Re: What happened to EP South?

Post by Its Raining Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:21 am

A website with all the information relevant for the MEP's and EP's that are located in the South of Thailand.

I'm after some information about the EP South competition rules please.......... errrrrrrr mai mee krap

ok, any information about the other schools in the South?.......... errrrrrr mai mee duay krap

so, just some photo's of Kanlayanee doing their shows then? ......... errrr krap

yes, you said it mate, it sure is..... krap!
Its Raining
Its Raining

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Join date : 2011-03-26

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What happened to EP South? Empty Re: What happened to EP South?

Post by Admin Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:21 am

Haha, very good (pardon da pun).
Assassin's Grim Reaper!

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Age : 41
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