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Post by Its Raining Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:20 pm

My Strada has been dogged with intermittent electrical problems since I've had it.

I've managed to track many of them down, but I still have an intermittent problem with the intermittent setting on the wipers.
When I got the car, the intermittent function didn't work at all. I suspected it was just a bimetalic strip relay unit, but I could not find anything - so suspected it had been removed (trying to explain to the wife what I wanted to get a new one seemed as easy as platting sawdust, so I made do without).

When getting the air con fixed (for the 4th time), this time by Mitsu service, I asked they also look at the wiper problem. They told me it needed a part ordering from Bangkok and would cost over 3,000 baht! I figured I didn't really need the functionality that much.

Then, out of the blue (over 2 years after having the car), it started working.... randomly. Some days it would work, others not.
When it didn't work, if I switched it on and off a few time it would start working.

So, I striped the switch block and tested it - no problem.

Not finding the relay, and ruling out the switch, the other day I part striped the wiper motor (almost to my peril). All looked ok except 1 of the 3 copper strips on the gear weel inside looked out of sync (its a standard worm and gear). In my attempt to position it further round I released the 3 brushes to the motor and had a nightmare getting the whole thing back together again.

However, I did notice a small silver box inside the wiper motor, but I am not convinced this is the relay I am seeking.

I bolted it all back up and decided it was best left alone.

After some more digging about under the dash and tracing the wires through, I think I've finally found the little box I seek.

I have yet to remove it as I was hit by a downpour of rain before getting too involved, but it looks like an electronic relay and not the mechanical type (bimetalic strip or solenoid) that I am used to.

I will of course crack it open and have a poke around (human nature), but if I cant see anything obvious (burning, something broken, or open circuit) then I'm at a loss.

It seems a very small box for the price. Maplins do a variable interval intermittent wiper kit that I can bolt on for £7.99, so 3,000 baht is just mental.

Unable to find anything for mitsu strada (only fiat) on the net, I eventually found a similar looking device for the Gallant........ 52USD !!!
Sod that....... I've got a hammer.

Anyone any knowledge on these? Are they serviceable?
Its Raining
Its Raining

Posts : 183
Join date : 2011-03-26

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